Patronato News
News Stories
- Tucson Mission fixing 1950s cement mistakeBY KYLE SIMCHUK | The project funded by a $749,000 grant from the National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Fund is expected to last for three winters.Read more »
- Mission entrance set for major restorationBY HENRY BREAN / Arizona Daily Star / Conservators for San Xavier plan to give the building’s decorative facade a facelift. The ornate entrance to San Xavier Mission will soon get a much-needed facelift, thanks to a $749,000 grant from the National Park Service. Conservators for the late-18th-century church plan to spend the next two to ...Read more »
- San Xavier Mission’s unique Nativity scene gets manger makeoverJoseph’s broken leg has healed, and the angel has his wings back at San Xavier del Bac. Just in time for Christmas, worshipers at the 240-year-old church can say a prayer in front of the Nativity and rock the baby Jesus in his cradle, thanks to restoration work on the Tohono O’odham holiday display that has ...Read more »
- Two New Priority ProjectsWith the East Tower project completed in April, attention is now turning to two new large-scale projects; conservation of the interior art in the high dome and conservation of the iconic facade.Read more »
- Close look at Mission San Xavier’s intricate entrance reveals surprisesBy Henry Brean | Arizona Daily Star Art conservators found something staring back at them when they climbed the scaffolding last month to study the façade of Southern Arizona’s most famous church. As it turns out, the doomsday mouse at San Xavier del Bac has round, metal nails for eyes. That was news to Tim ...Read more »
- Conservation of Mission San Xavier’s East Tower underway; work to be completed within a year(March 22, 2021— Tucson, Ariz.)— The Patronato San Xavier has begun the second phase of work on the East Tower of Mission San Xavier this month. Scaffolding is already going up to facilitate this phase, which will take approximately a year to complete. This is the first major exterior project since The Patronato completed the Conservation Management ...Read more »
- Tucson Opinion: Preserving Mission San Xavier in a time of crisis |tucson.comBy Miles Green Special to the Arizona Daily Star. We don’t need to look east for our history. Mission San Xavier, designated as one of the first National Historic Landmarks in 1960, is an active parish that typically welcomes over 200,000 visitors a year. Visits inside the church are currently limited to 5 minutes.Read more »
- The new 1783 Society offers a way to make a difference, forever.Generous people are choosing to leave a gift to Patronato in their wills to ensure the future of the Mission.Read more »
- Share Mission San Xavier with Visitors from Around the WorldLearn more about the Patronato San Xavier Docent Program at an information meeting Wednesday, September 18, 2018 from 10 a.m. to noon in the multi-purpose room at the San Xavier District Office, 2018 San Xavier Rd, Tucson, AZ 85746. Click here to RSVP. Patronato San Xavier is recruiting volunteer docents to provide guided tours of Mission San Xavier del Bac ...Read more »
- Restoration UpdateAfter two seasons of work, the cleaning and restoration of the Retablo Mayor is complete. Next: the ornate balustrades that surround the main altar.Read more »