Linda Ronstadt headlined the first concert at the Mission 20 years ago, starting a beloved tradition that now marks the beginning of Tucson’s holiday season. This signature series of concerts with the Sons of Orpheus and the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus raises funds for The Patronato, a nonprofit organization devoted to restoring and preserving Mission San Xavier for future generations.
“Restoration costs are running in excess of $40,000 per month and concert revenue provides a third of our operating budget each year,” said Miles Green, Executive Director, The Patronato.
Patronato Christmas at San Xavier concerts begin at 6 p.m. and again at 8 p.m. on December 13, 14, and 15. Tickets are $100 each.
Tickets for a special December 12 performance are $250 and include a 4:45 p.m. reception at the Arizona Inn, transportation to and from the Mission, and a concert that includes the Sons of Orpheus and the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus, and Native American flutist R. Carlos Nakai and the Arizona Girls Choir.
Click here to purchase tickets.
The Patronato San Xavier is a nonsectarian, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization founded by Southern Arizona community leaders in 1978. The Patronato’s only purpose is to promote the restoration, maintenance and preservation of Mission San Xavier del Bac, a National Historic Landmark since 1963. The Mission recently was named to the World Monuments Fund’s World Monuments Watch. The list—50 cultural heritage sites in 36 countries for 2016—is produced biannually to highlight historical sites at risk from the forces of nature and the impact of social, political and economic change.