Linda Ronstadt headlined the first concert at the Mission 20 years ago, starting a beloved tradition that now marks the beginning of Tucson’s holiday season. This signature series of concerts with the Sons of Orpheus and the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus raises funds for...
Friday, November 4, 2016 is Watch Day at Mission San Xavier. Visitors will enjoy 45-minute Patronato docent-led tours that will include the newly renovated Chapter Room, and visual displays and discussions about the current renovation and preservation efforts underway...
Share Mission San Xavier with Visitors from Around the World! Patronato docents conducted more than 1,600 tours for 26,000 visitors in 2015 and the docent program is expanding. An introduction to the docent training program is Wednesday, October 12, 2016 from 10 a.m....
Public relations consultant Barbara Peck recently was elected President of the Board of Directors of Patronato San Xavier. Michael R. Urman, shareholder in the law firm of DeConcini McConald Yetwin & Lacy, P.C. was elected Vice President; Rick Buchanan, retired...
In October, the Patronato will hold a training-information meeting to recruit new volunteers. There are no requirements for the volunteers, other than time and commitment. The program is especially interested in attracting bilingual docents. Read the story.
Four-month process included removal, restoration, preservation, blessing and return of statue of Mary to her niche above the altar Photo by Jeff Landers, The circa-1790 La Inmaculada statue displayed in a niche above the altar in the sanctuary at Mission...