Register Today!
Saturday, August 24, 2019 from 8:30am – 12:30pm Location: YWCA Main Campus in the Frances McClelland Community Center, 525 N. Bonita Ave. in Tucson. All teachers in the greater Tucson area are cordially invited to attend this teacher in-service on Mission San Xavier del Bac, a National Historic Landmark located just 10 miles south of Tucson. The Mission is a unique and special place that is truly one of the great architectural and aesthetic treasures of Arizona.
At the in-service, docents will describe the Mission and explain its historic, religious, cultural and artistic significance. They will discuss how to schedule a class field trip to the site; and describe the educational resources that are available online to help prepare students to get the most out of a trip the MSX.
Teachers who attend the in-service will earn four (4) professional development (PD) credits, and we encourage teachers of all grades to consider attending the session. While most of the online learning materials are geared to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade levels, where social studies curriculums focus on Arizona state history, Regions and Cultures of the Americas, and U.S. history, the Mission offers a rich learning experience for students of all ages.
Please fill out and submit this form by August 20th to complete your registration.