Business Partners

Join Patronato’s Business Partner Program today!

Promote your business while helping safeguard a cultural treasure and a significant economic driver for the Southern Arizona business community.

The Patronato has recently charted a plan that will see all major and deferred conservation work at the Mission completed within the decade. However this ambitious plan relies on our ability to fund these projects and to raise $6 million by the end of the decade.

We are asking select businesses to partner with us annually as we move towards the goal of “mission accomplished.” Introductory Business Partnerships begin at just $100.

Your partnership with us ensures that one of our Nation’s most significant cultural sites and Arizona’s most important historic building is preserved so future generations can experience this living treasure.

San Xavier Mission

Business Partner Levels & Benefits

Business Friend: $100 annually

All Business Friends receive these Basic Benefits:

  • A Patronato San Xavier decal identifying your business as a philanthropic supporter
  • A letter from the Executive Director acknowledging your tax-deductible gift and cementing our partnership
Business partner: $250 annually

Business Partners benefits include all Basic Benefits plus:

  • Business Listing on our website
  • Business Listing in our online Annual Report shared electronically with over 5,000 households
Junior Partner: $500 annually

Junior Partner Benefits include all Business Partner Benefits plus:

  • Social media promotion to our followers on Facebook and Instagram upon joining and annual renewal
  • Invitations to participate in select Special Events
  • A Business Listing up-grade to include a hyperlink that takes people directly to your website.
Senior Partner: $1,000 annually

Senior Partner Level benefits include all prior level benefits plus:

  • An Upgrade from a Business Listing on our website to a Business Logo, complete with a backlink to your business website
  • A complimentary invitation for two to Patronato’s annual Kino Society Celebration held each Spring at the Arizona Inn, honoring our Major Donors
Major Partner: $2,500 annually

Major Partner Level benefits include all prior level benefits plus options to:

  • An annual opportunity to bring up to 10 guests on a private “behind the scenes” tour of the Mission with Patronato’s Executive Director
  • Directly underwrite Conservation Projects at the $5,000 level and above
  • Sponsor of a variety of events including our annual concert series Patronato’s Christmas at San Xavier
  • Underwrite Patronato’s Education and Work Development Programs