Patronato FY23 Annual Report Snapshot

Patronato FY23 Annual Report Snapshot

To provide improved transparency about how we raise and spend our money we are including a graphic presentation of our FY23 income/expenses ratio for Patronato’s last fiscal year, July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. 

Patronato’s philosophy is that no new projects launch without the money being raised or identified through a granting source. In this last fiscal year, funds for the East Tower project had been raised in prior years and were being held in savings. With the East Tower project in full gear this year, those funds in savings were being expended.

For the first time we are also building on our website, a tiered listing of donations made across our last fiscal year. Check out where you fall on our lists. This is a first time we listed in this way, so if you spot an error or would prefer that your name appears differently, please call Miles Green at (520) 407-6130.

FY23 | July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023

FY22 Income
FY22 Income

FY23 Donor Listing

 Cumulative Philanthropic Gifts received between July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023

Individuals: Kino Society

Visionary Circle: $25,000+

Gary and Jill Sisson
Donna M Rich Legacy Fund CFSA

Directors Circle: $10,000-$24,999

Lin Hines
Judith Marro
Jeanne L. McDonald
Chuck Pettis
Gail & Mike Stoner
Laura and Arch Brown

Granjon Circle: $5,000-$9,999

James H. and Frances R. Allen Family Foundation
Nancy Copp
Kay Couch-Lopez
Richard and Vera DeJong
Douglas Dunn
The Fox-McCarthy Family
Fred and Mary Frelinghuysen
John Imbt
Margaret Lampe
Kenneth J & Margaret F McNealy 2007 Charitable Lead Trust
Barbara and Hank Peck
Ralph and Ingeborg Silberschlag

Velderrain Circle: $2,500-$4,999

Mary Jo and Milton Brown
Maryke Hines
The Ginny L Clements Charitable Trust
Rebecca and William Lamear
Squirrel Lovelady
Sandra Carol Maxfield
John McClelland
Laura and Tom Pew
Eileen Rakita
Tom Rogers
Donald and Nancy Rollings
Philip Symes

Gaona Circle: $1,000-$2,499

Elizabeth Evans Bascom (CLUT)
Christina Bascom
Susan Beesemyer
Susan Berg Scott
Anne Breckenridge-Barrett
Hope Brown
Scott and Beverly Candrian
Daniel and Karen Considine
Robin Coon
Dino J and Elizabeth Murfee DeConcini
Beth and Curtis Dunshee
Kimberly Ely
Susan Esco Chandler
John and Sally Evert
Peter & Cynthia Fennell
Jerome Glass
Donita Gross
Dana and John Hagenah
Tim and Jennifer Harris
Susan Hayes
Joanne Healy
Ana and Micheal Hunter
Robert & Deborah Johnson
Pattie and Bob Johnston
Julianna Kasper
Heather Lenkin
Al and Jane Lockwood

Dede McKnight
Stephen Metruck
Michael and Carol Miller
Donald Moon
James and Charlotte Mullis
Gordon Nelson
Bonita and Ronald Nowicki
Nancy Odegaard
Sherry and Ken Parmele
Judy and Bob Patrick
Andy & Agnes Poore
Stella Reitz
Katherine Smith
Sandra and Brian Stearns
James Susa
David and Linda Tansik
John and Colette Tellmann
Judy and Jerald Thorson
Michael and Kelly Urman
Robert and Adelaide Valentine
Frank Valenzuela
Taunya Villicana
Laura Walton
Jeffrey Willis
David Yetman
Young Foundation
Bondy Family Charitable Gift Fund

Individuals: Supporting Friends

Santa Cruz: $500-$999

Larry R. and Florence A. Adamson
Katie Belk-Arenas
Barbara Bergum
Kerstin Block
Frank & Sandy Bonham
Bonnie and David Burnett
Richard Butler
Mary Carhuff
James P & Christine S Caruso Charitable Fund
Shirley Chann
Tom Christensen
Jan and Frank Cicero
Donald and Jocelyn Clark
Dennis and Sevren Coon
Jackie Crawford
Richard and Jane Cunningham
George and Merrily Davis
Ann Day
Mark and Jules Day
Dennis and Patricia Deconcini
Darryl and Mary Ann Dobras
William and Mary Jo Einecker
Stew Estes
John and Audrey Finley
Emily and James Firnstahl
Judith and Richard Flynn
Mark Flynn
Deborah and Mike Franks
Louise Glasser
Gianfranco Grande
Miles Green
Randy Hackbarth
Margaret Houghton
John Hudak
Claudia Jasso
Michael Johnson
Cindy Jorgenson
Bonita Katt
David Keudell
Nancy and Burt Kinerk
Susan Kornhaber
Bettie McMillan
Kenneth Megel
Earl and Claire Mendenhall
Christopher Millington
John Mueller
Richard and Barbara O’Rielly
Charlie Peck
Ben and Sally Perks
Oliver Radford
Peter and Ann Rathwell
Virginia and Donald Reeves
Margaret and Dwayne Richards
Lawrence and Susan Ring
JBrian Selleck
James and Sandy Sheehan
Stephen and Gale Sherman
Bonnie and Harold Shimmin
Bill and Mary Anne Springer
Marlies and Howard Terpning
Clague Van Slyke III
Melissa Vito
Carol and Lester Welborn
Herb and Diane Welhener
Thomas and Susan Williams
Bill and Kathy Young

Mission Friend: $250-$499

David Scott Allen
Shirley & David Allen
Kristin Almquist
Laura Almquist
Thelma Berry
Edwin and Paula Biggers
Timothy & Nancy Bogan
Gary and Ronna Bohlander
Miguel Briseno
Hal & Jeanie Byrd
Alma Caffall
Susan and John Campisano
Jane Carnes
Linda Cohen
Jim and Betsy Conroy
Catherine Cosentino
Ginny Crouse
Mary and Richard Daly
Carol Des Cognets
Larry Deutsch
Jerry and Eleanor Dodson
Tony and Pat Doughty
Tammy and David Eichinger
Nancy Fintzy
Julie and Peter Firos
Mary Jo Fitzgerald
Staunton and Anne Flanders
Sunny & Doug Foucheaux
Cynthia Frank
Melissa J Fulton
Nancy and Don Gorny
Lore S Hagemeyer
Anne Marie Hall
Chris Hard
Mike Hard
Rick & Jane Hays
Robert Hernandez
Karen Hively
Veronika and James Holmberg
Susan Hopf
Michael S Horwood
Rita Jones
Frank Kalil
Brenda Koedyker
David & Barbara Korzendorfer
Mary Beth Kuehn
Walter and Elaine Kurczewski
Susan Lace
Barbara Lamb
James and Louanne Lang
Sally Lanyon
William Leedale
Deb and Jay Liggett
Richard & Carol Livingston
Thomas Long
Edward and Isabel Lovio
Marcie and Fred McFarren
Lauve Metcalfe
Thomas and Rose Mary Meyer
Carol and Raymond Michael

Judy Milton
Michelle Mohr
Drew and Michael Moore
Dorothy Mundt
Charles Murphy
Michael Newton
William Olson
Charles & Carol Otto
Jean Paine
Robert Pollak
Nancy Pollock-Ellwand
Abigail Purvis
Wayne Randall
Dennis Ray
William Ridlinghafer
Alice and William Roe
Mary Rogot
Martha and Ronald Rouse
Michael Rusing
Vivi Sabbagh
Alyce Sadongei
Joyce Serido
Charles Silverson
Christopher Ullman
Betty Vinall
Lisa and James Warneke
Leeann Wieser
Kerry Woerner
Pamela Youngberg


Organizations & Foundations

American Association of University Women- Green Valley
Anonymous gift in honor of the Connie Hillman Foundation
Catholic Foundation
Friends of Tucson’s Birthplace Inc
HS Lopez Family Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
JPC Foundation
Kenneth J & Margaret F McNealy 2007 Charitable Lead Trust
Las Donas de Tucson Inc
R. Ruth Foundation
Roy H. Rogers Foundation
Silver & Turquoise Board of Hostesses
Southwestern Foundation for Education and Historic Preservation
Stocker Foundation

BJ Drilling Co, Inc
Desert Diamond Casinos
Gallery Ventures Ltd LLC
Long Realty Cares Foundation
Santa Catalina Corral Western Intl
The Shanty Café